Posted by: Veroni Kruger | July 10, 2012

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly … in all wisdom


My last posting was nine months ago.  Why is that?  Did I run out of steam?  Did I stop thinking that I have something to share that may be of value to others?  Did I lose the desire that motivates people to write?  Among those that know me, it’s clear that my whole life is driven by what some call a “calling.”  So, did Veroni lose the calling?  Did he even maybe backslide? 

There are practical reasons for my silence:  Back surgery  (very successful, by the way, in spite of the apparent expectations of some people who keep asking me “So how long has it been now?”);  sustained dramatic growth in the international organization that I lead, and the accompanying increase of activities for the Chief Executive Officer;  many travels to faraway places – all part of the privilege I have to do the work I do;  renovations to our home, and the resultant disturbance of routines…

All credible reasons, but not really the core issue.

Fact is, I am confronted by the realization that we tend to talk too much and listen too little.  That much of what we say is pure regurgitation of what we have been told.  Don’t get me wrong:  Truth can never be repeated too often, especially because most people talk more than they listen, and therefore should be told truth over and over again.  But when we present age-old adages as if they are revelations that we received yesterday, then I begin to feel they really need not have been said one more time, and in an authoritative tone of voice to boot.

You see, I stopped reading your typical soft cover Christian inspirational literature years ago.  And last year all of what I had said and thought about such literature came back to “bite” me, as they say.  So why should I write anything?

Now I am beginning to feel the stirring that I may have something to say after all – something that may be of benefit to someone, that may even bless them.  And so I am going to blog again!  Because I feel the need to write a blog –who knows but that it may be the Lord leading me in this way?  Maybe someone will recognize something of their own struggles in what I will be writing.  Most of all, I hope that something of God will be revealed in the writings of one who has come to the point where he can truly say:  The longer I serve God, the more I love Him and the more I trust Him, but the less I understand Him – because He has become so big in my thoughts.

Experience tells me I should not post this piece – “Everything you say may (will?) be used against you.”  Yet I see myself as simply a contemplative follower of Jesus Christ who is willing to share with others what he has seen and experienced, and has learned from it all.


  1. Baie dankie. Waardeer dit so baie.


  2. Veroni, ek kan maar net die inhoud van alles wat jy skryf, onderskryf. En ek wil my verstout om te sé-verseker ìs dit die wil van die Here dat jy mòet begin daai dinge skryf waaroor jy graag wil skryf! Verseker mòet jy die teéstand ignoreer. Jy het so baie om te sè wat mense (en veral die ‘kerk’) so nodig het vandag. Die onderwerpe wat jy aangeroer het in jou brief, lé my so na aan die hart. Die ‘westerse godsdiens’ in S.A. is hartseer korrup. Selfs ek word aan flarde geruk sòu mens dit waag om Bybelse beginsels uit te lig. Moderne mense is in elk geval ontsettend aggressief in vergelyking met wat ek en jy 20-30 jr. trug beleef het. As jy hoor wat ek sè-die Kerk het geen platform vandag nie, terwyl elke Jan Rap en sy maat hulle oortuigings uit basuin soos wat Salomo so mooi vir ons bewoord het! Mense soos jy is søos die geloofshelde in Heb. 11-die wèreld was hulle nie werd nie. Groete


  3. Veroni, I am looking forward to everything that can be used against you. Glad you are back on your blog!


  4. Hi Veroni, welcome back. Looking forward to your blog. Maybe I should also start saying things. Being in the ministry for 45 years now, I think I also have a few things to say. So, start writing, so that we can start talking. God bless. Monty Eloff.


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